
Upcoming Webinars (Free)


4 PM Eastern, 3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, 1 PM Pacific

Sept. 3, 2024 - Yearly Club and Member Registration
Sept. 10, 2024 - Change Member Status & Track Class Progress
                    &    Track Honors & Awards Earned
Sept. 17, 2024 - Club & Conference Calendars 
Sept. 24, 2024 - Inventory & Treasurer Modules

Register for all four Tuesday Webinars


8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific

Sept. 5, 2024 - Yearly Club and Member Registration
Sept. 12, 2024 - Change Member Status & Track Class Progress
                    &    Track Honors & Awards Earned
Sept. 19, 2024 - Club & Conference Calendars
Sept. 26, 2024 - Inventory & Treasurer Modules

Register for all four Thursday Webinars

Past Webinars:

Yearly Club and Member Registration

September 9, 2024

In this webinar, we examine the yearly registration steps for Club Directors and Secretaries and the registration of Members and Staff for your club in YMMS.


Past Tutorial Videos: