Step 1 - Log In

To start the process you will need to log into YMMS. We will assume you are logged in for all of the instructions on this page. Here is how to log in:

When you first visit you will discover the login screen. It will look like this:

Your username
Enter in your Username. Example: john.smith

Your password
Enter in the password you set up for yourself.

Forgot password?
We have all done this. If you forget your password, use the "Forgot password?" link to send yourself an email with a link to reset your password.

Simply enter in you email address and select your ministry. Finally, select the "Send" button. 

Now check your email and follow the link in it to reset your password.

Request An Account
Club Directors, Club Secretaries, Area Coordinators, and Conference Staff may request login access to view data as assigned by the Conference. These requests are reviewed and processed by you or your conference team. Once you have approved them they will be able to login and  interact with YMMS.